Brick Financial Management has two interconnected performance objectives: - Increase the invested capital of our clients consistent with reasonable risk and,
- Outperform the market indexes over long periods of time.
It makes little sense to put your money at risk without the expectation of increasing your capital. We feel that our investment style – common stock investment through concentrated portfolios – offers the most opportune vehicle for capital appreciation and out-performance of the market. Common stocks have the best record of performance of any major asset class. By investing in stocks we are making a high probability bet that we will increase our capital. Our philosophy of investing in concentrated portfolios is our way of investing in the “best of the best”. We believe that over-diversification will significantly reduce our ability to outperform. In fact, over-diversification, along with some other disadvantages, is one of the reasons 80% of mutual funds under-perform the market in any given year. It is difficult to beat the market if your portfolio is too similar to the market. And the more securities you hold the more likely this is to be the case. Brick Financial is free to select only the securities we deem appropriate. Our investment style is likely to be more volatile than the market. Further, there may be periods of time when our investments may be out of favor or the market is “irrationally exuberant” and prices do not reflect underlying intrinsic value. Consequently, we will not beat the market every quarter or even every year. But over long periods, we believe we can. Take a look at the detailed performance of each of our portfolios:Core Model Portfolio Performance>>
Balanced Portfolio Performance>>
Disclosure The index and mutual fund data comes from several sources including Wilshire, Standard and Poor’s and The Wall Street Journal. (Lipper Mutual Fund Averages). The Wilshire 5000 Index is a market capitalization weighted index measuring all stocks regardless of size as long as they are traded on a major U.S. exchange. The Wilshire 5000 returns are from 12/1/2002. The Wilshire 4500 Index is a market capitalization weighted index measuring small and mid-cap stocks. It is constructed using the Wilshire 5000 with the companies of the S&P 500 removed. The Wilshire 4500 returns are from 12/1/2002. The Wilshire 5000 and 4500 are trademarks of the Wilshire Corporation. The S&P 500 Index is a market capitalization weighted index of 500 large-sized stocks. The index is designed to measure changes in the economy and is representative of most major industries. S&P 500 is a trademark of the Standard & Poors Corporation. The inception date for the S&P 500 is 12/1/2002. The Average U.S. Equity Mutual Fund data is from Lipper Research and is published in The Wall Street Journal. Mutual fund returns are from 12/1/2002.